Category-specific drawExpress Entry Draws

Express Entry Draw 264 | 1,000 Invited in Transport Draw

Published on: September 20th, 2023
The latest Canadian Express Entry draw was just held. Express Entry draw 264 saw a CRS score of 435 and invited 1,000 candidates in Transport occupations category draw.

Express Entry Draw 264

Date of Draw: September 20, 2023

Number of Invitations Issued: 1,000

Minimum CRS: 435

Program Specified: Transport occupations (2023-1)

Tie-breaking rule:June 17, 2023 at 06:44:01 UTC

Do you qualify for Express Entry?

Canada’s Express Entry system is undergoing a significant transformation to provide an expedited and targeted pathway for individuals possessing invaluable work experience in critical fields.

In a pioneering move, Canada has unveiled its commitment to inviting skilled newcomers with a background in transport occupations, with the primary objective of addressing the rising demand for talent in this sector and filling vital positions that contribute to the nation’s economic growth and advancement.

Under this innovative approach of category-based selection, Canada is reinforcing its commitment to attracting top-notch global talent while simultaneously addressing the pressing need for transport workers to bolster the economy. These category-based selection rounds will be conducted throughout the year, running in parallel with the general and program-specific invitation rounds.


First Category-Specific Draw for Transport Occupations

This focused strategy aims to identify and invite candidates with significant experience in the transport sector, including diverse roles such as commercial truck drivers, pilots, and aircraft assembly workers. By creating a dedicated category for transport occupations, Canada aims to facilitate the influx of the skilled talent needed to support this critical industry on a national scale.

On September 18, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, made a groundbreaking announcement that the first round of invitations for individuals with experience in transport occupations through category-based selection in Express Entry would be issued this week. As of today, September 20, the draw has been officially issued.

Express Entry draw.  264 issued 1,000 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) of 435. Today’s draw was the first ever category-specific draw for Transport Occupations. Meaning that all candidates for this draw were selected from specific occupations within the Express Entry pool.

The previous draw was published yesterday, and it was a No Program Specified draw which invited 3,200 candidates from all programs without any category restrictions. The CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited was 531 . This means that all profiles in the Express Entry pool with a CRS score of 531 or higher could qualify.

Eligibility for the transport occupations category

To be eligible, you must

  • Have accumulated, within the past 3 years, at least 6 months of full-time, continuous work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a single occupation listed in the table below.
  • Experience gained in Canada or abroad
  • Meet all of the requirements in the instructions for that round
  • Full eligibility details will be available in the instructions for each round.

What the Eligible Transport Occupations For This Draw?

Occupations2021 NOC Code2021 TEER Category
Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors932003
Transport truck drivers733003
Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators726042
Engineer officers, water transport726032
Deck officers, water transport726022
Air traffic controllers and related occupations726012
Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors726002
Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors724042
Railway carmen/women724032
Managers in transportation700200

Will Express Entry Still Hold All-Program Draws?

Yes, Express Entry will hold different types of draws throughout the year, not just category-based draws. There will be 3 types of rounds:

  1. General round of invitations: General rounds of invitations invites the top-ranking candidates in the Express Entry pool who are eligible for 1 of the 3 Express Entry Programs. The 3 programs include the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) and the Canadian Experience Class (CEC).
  2. Program-specific rounds of invitations: Program-specific rounds invite the top-ranking candidates who are eligible for a specific Express Entry program. For example, the IRCC often has draws specifically for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), where only candidates who are eligible for a PNP are invited.
  3. Category-based rounds of invitations: The Minister of Immigration will establish specific categories to meet specific economic goals across Canada. Once the categories are established, the top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligible for this category will receive an invitation.

Interested in learning more about your options to enter the Express Entry pool? Complete our free online assessment form today!

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Previous Express Entry Draws – Other Categories

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